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Windows 8 and Windows 7

Think what is windows 8  , like it’s Windows 7 + 1 = Windows 8  ? , It is .some example  here , you switch on the pc or mobile there are several services that run in background some of these services are unnecessary and consumes memory .For that windows 8 comes with new idea in windows 8 , they removed 13 windows services that started automatically in windows 7 .That services has been moved to manual services . and always running services moved to “start on Demand'” model.
Means Start only if an Event triggers their commencement.The trigger can be any   network,Devices etc.

In windows 7 update,plug and play the the user mode driver , framework services are all running all the time.where in windows 8 two are auto stared and all the others started manually or trigger
More soon . thanks for reading 

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