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Windows 8 and Windows 7

Think what is windows 8  , like it’s Windows 7 + 1 = Windows 8  ? , It is .some example  here , you switch on the pc or mobile there are several services that run in background some of these services are unnecessary and consumes memory .For that windows 8 comes with new idea in windows 8 , they removed 13 windows services that started automatically in windows 7 .That services has been moved to manual services . and always running services moved to “start on Demand'” model.
Means Start only if an Event triggers their commencement.The trigger can be any   network,Devices etc.

In windows 7 update,plug and play the the user mode driver , framework services are all running all the time.where in windows 8 two are auto stared and all the others started manually or trigger
More soon . thanks for reading 

Windows 8 Free Download ,Windows 8 iso download  , free preview copy Windows 8


The leap motion

I just really amaze . the leap is absolutely great. So , what is leap ? nothing but it can change the peripheral future next years . so how , and what is leap .

The leap is a small Ipad sized usb peripheral that creates 3D interaction space of 8 cubic feet to precisely interact with and control software on your desktop and laptop computers.

Amazing what “The leap senses your individual hand and finger movements independently as well as items like a pen and more sensitive than touch screen products .

The leap technologies requirements , Windows 7/8 or mac OS x.

systemctc salute new tech . article from the The leapmotion side


Manual process to Removal New folder.exe virus

first search autorun.inf file. it is read only file so you will have to change it to normal . how select right clicking the file  . select the properties and un-check the read only option

  • Open the file in notepad(right click and select edit) and delete everything and save the file
  • Now change the file status back to the read only mode so virus could not get access again.
  • Go to start –> run and type msconfig and click ok
  • go to startup tab look for regsvr and uncheck the option click ok.
  • click on exit without restart, cause there are still new things we need to do before we can restart the pc.
  • now go to control panel –> scheduled tasks , and delete the Ati task listed their




go to start –> run and type gpedi.msc and click ok

go to user configuration->administrative templates->system

find “prevent access to registry editing tools '” and change the option to disable.

once you do this you have registry access back.




click on start-> run and type regedit and click ok

go to edit->find and start the search for regsvr.exe

delete all the occurrence of regsvr.exe , remember to take backup (do not delete regsvr32.exe) delete regsvr.exe occurrence only


Window 7 Problems systemctc recommend

problems like slow browsing, wait  for nothing  etc , so what ‘s problems

1 . Your computer has a lot’s of unnecessary  register file.
2. you are using lots of graphics item for nothing (like widget,animated wallpaper,mouse icon, etc) .
3. startup problem, shutdown problems .

what you have to do is  use software like regedit, Advanced system care , register repair etc . software can easily remove some bug from the your computer that harem your pc.
I recommend Advanced system care  , it’s easy to remove registry and temp file

all the software are there owner I used only for example


1080i, 1080p ,720p

So, what you think above title ,some little bit or more I guess  What are this , so it ‘s shorten name for a combination of frame resolutions,scan type for high definition television and video ,

The term 1080i (1920*1080) assumes a display ratio of 16:9 widescreen where i stand for Interlaced video 

Interlaced video can double perceived frame rate with the co

composite video signal used with the analog television .simple what is this it can enhance motion perception and reduce flicker by persistence of vision effect.


720p refers to a progressive HDTV signal . (1280*720)

720 stands for the 720 horizontal scan lines of images  resolution.

P stands for Progressive scan 


same as 720p but difference , Resolution 1080(1920*1080) horizontal lines of vertical and progressive scan and not interlaced in the case 1080i display standard.

and like marketing materials like FULL HD .


Below image can show you more , source Wikimedia . you can click on image , you will get what your mind want if you , or search internet .


you can view more angle from here , source Wikimedia

article from the internet

Now you Can Run Old Games & Programs On Window 7

Secure Computer: Now you Can Run Old Games & Programs On Window 7

Now you Can Run Old Games & Programs On Window 7

So, you think That great awesome , but first you must Update your Windows by Patch  name “KB976264” 

That’s it now you can run your old games,programs ,Games like Halo 2,half life, doom  oorrrrr..


lalalb Enjoy

Secure Computer: Window 7 Shutdown slow ?

Secure Computer: Window 7 Shutdown slow ?

Secure Computer: Window 7 Shutdown slow ?

Secure Computer: Window 7 Shutdown slow ?

Window 7 Shutdown slow ?

  • Click on Run

  • Type “regedit”
    • And Find “HEKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control”
    • here your can See “Wait to kill Service Timeout
    • Decrease the value 12000(12 second)  is default you can Decrease as you want like 1000,10000
  • That’s it 
  • Windows 7 ,8.1, 10 


Blue(Blu-ray) Ray Disk

Blue Ray disk aware that it is an optical disk storage medium can store a large amount of data.The disc can enable recording,rewriting and playback of high definition videos(HD). but still some missing  ….!

Why Blu-Ray > name derived from the The Technology ,which utilizes a BLUE LASER To Read and Write data.

    1. Blu-ray is not a mistake, The character “e”was advertently dropped so that the term could be registered as a trademark.
    2. It can store five time more capacity of traditional DVD.
    3. single layer disc can hold 25GB and dual layer disk 50GB of data.(9h of HD videos and 23h of SD videos)
    4. The Blu-ray disc shows high definition movies up to full HD 1080p resolution (DVD 480p).


why internet Connection speed is low ?

first your connection speed may be lower than what is advertised by your internet connection provider.due to several reasons.

  • Shared Bandwidth : peak hours subscribers will have a much lower bandwidth allocated
  • Bandwidth allocation between several machines our users on the same connection .
  • application and processes on your computer can continually using up bandwidth  .


What is BitLocker Drive in Windows 7

so , simple BitLocker to protect all files stored on removable data drives (Include Externals and internal Drives).It is Encryption programs  to protect all files stored on the drive .

it will help you from Hackers.

you can say that it will block hackers from accessing the file system files .

how Bit locker can Work ?

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When you add new files to a drive that is encrypted with Bitlocker, BitLoker encrypts them automatically .

Files remain encrypted only while they are stored in in the encrypted drive.

Files copied to another drive or computer are decrypted .

if you share files with other users, such as through a network, these files are encrypted while stored on the encrypted drive.but can be accessed normally by authored users.

To turn on bitlocker

Go to Control panel > click on > Bitlocker icon > and turn on /off what ‘s your choice


How to Earn though Affiliate

I found great Site where you can earn as quickly as petrol finish in your bike. Hy affiiate give you easy money , you just have to spend some time. for it. for more click here.just try Register and earn no gambling ,Loto 

 just finished go and earn
 More Details


Telnet Commands in Windows 7


Command for Telnet Clients.

  1. open or o  : Establish a telnet connection with host computer or server.Ex. o nj44 .
  2. close or c  : close an existing telnet connection.(It can be combined with host  name and port number). c nj44.
  3. display : View the current setting for Telnet clients.
  4. quit or q :  Exit from Telnet.
  5. set : Setting the terminal type for the connection. turn on local echo,set authentication to NTLM,Set the escape character, and set up logging.
  6. unset : Turn  off local echo or set authentication for the logon or password prompt.
  7. status : Determine whether telnet client is connected.
  8. Ctrl + ] : Move to the Telnet command prompt from a connected session.
  9. Enter : Go to the connected Session .
  10. ? /help : help information.


What is Core Data ?(programing,Framework)

we are talking about core data programing not core processor , so you could understand core processor some little bit.Core data framework provides generalized and automated solutions to common tasks associated with object life cycle and object graph management, including persistence.


Core data Features are :

  • Change tracking and undo support,
  • Relationship maintenance
  • futures
  • Automatic validation of property values.
  • Schema migration
  • Optional integration with the application controller layer to support user interface synchronization.(NsFetchedResultsController object on iOS and integrates with COCOA bindings on MAC OS X.)
  • Full, automatic support for key value coding and key value observing.
  • Grouping,filtering and organizing data in memory and in the user interface.
  • Automatic support for storing objects in external data repositories.
  • sophisticated query compilation.
  • Merge polices.

What core Data is not ?

Core data is not relational database or relational database management system(RDBMS)

Core data is not a silver bullet.

Core data does not rely on cocoa bindings.


Framework What it is ?

So, Some of us can notice that Error like Framework 2….. needed for this application . Download from net.

what is framework ? Framework is a bundle (structured directory) that contains a dynamic shared library along with associated resources (nib,image files and header file,header file,and reference documentation in a single package.

Thread (OS), Multithreading

Each OS is made up one or more threads,Which represents a single path of execution through the application code.

Each application start with a single thread.(main function ).

Application can spawn additional Threads ,each of which executes the code of a specific function.

When an application spawns a new thread that thread becomes an independent entity inside of the application space,

Each thread is independent (own stack) .

A threads can communicate with each other process , perform I/O operations , and do anything else you might need it to do.


Thread is used to refer to a separate path of execution of code.

Process is running executable, which can encompass multiple threads.

Task is the abstract concept of work that needs to be performed.


Source :


Minority Report Movie Like Technology by sony

Sony's new Minority Report(Tom Cruz like Technology )

Sony Paper Display

New Computer Technology

 New Technology in Computer
Source " youtube"

Rootkit (virus,malware)

A rootkit is a stealthy type of malicious software(Malware) designed to hide the existence of certain process or program from normal methods of detection and enables continued.
rootkit is a concatenation of root and the world kit
what rootkit virus  can do?
first attacker installs a rootkit on a computer after first root level access.either by exploiting known vulnerability or by obtaining a password
Once a rootkit is installed, it allows an attacker to mask the ongoing intrusion and maintain privileged access to the computer by circumventing normal authentication and authorization mechanisms.


How rootkit can Work ?
rootkit detection is difficult because rootkit may be able to subvert the software that is indeed to find it. Detection methods include using an alternative.
behavioral based methods, signature scanning , difference scanning and memory dump analysis.
Removable can be complicated or practically impossible,especially in cases where the rootkit resides.
Provide an attacker with full access via backdoor.Permitting unauthorized access .
Password stealing
Appropriate the compromised machine as a Zombie computer for attacks on other computers.
Zombie computers are typically member of large botnet that can launch denial of service attacks and distribute E-mail spam.

Rootkit (virus,Malware)


Processor History


This was the very first ARM processor(April 1985). It was the First Commercial RISC processor.It was “ Working Silicon” in it’s first incarnation.Used less than 25000 Transistors.



Improvements that can MUL and MLA Instructions allowed for real time digital processing.

Acorn could gladly announce to the world that they offered the fastest RISC processor Around. And for a long time was right up there in the “fastest processor” listing .

The ARM2 processor was the first to be used within the RISC OS platform, in the A305,A310,and A4x0 range.

It is an 8MHz processor that was used on all of the early machines,Including the A3000.

The ARM 2 is clocked at 8MHz, Which translates to approximately four and half million instruction per second(0.56 MIPS/MHz).



Built in 1989, this processor offering 4K of cache memory and the SWP instruction. The desktop computers based upon it were  lunched in 1990.

CP15 was created to provide processor control and identification.


ARM3 doesn't perform faster both the ARM2 and ARM3 average 0.56 MIPS/MHz The speed boost common from the higher clock speed, and the cache.


ARM 250 (v2as)

The ‘Electron” of ARM processors, this is basically a second level revision of the ARM 3 design which removes the cache, and combines the primary chipset into to piece of silicon, making the creation of a cheap .(RISC OS)

This was clocked at 12MHz and offered approximately 7MIPS.


ARM 250 mezzanine

no data


ARM 4 and ARM 5

no data


ARM 610 (v3)


The first 32 bit addressing, and the opening for a new generation of ARM based Hardware.


ARM 710(v3)

Offers increased cache size (8k rather than 4k) clock frequency increased to 40MHz, improved write buffer and larger TLB in the MMU

It supports CMOS/TTL inputs,fastbus and 3.3 v power .

clocked  at 40MHz ,it offers about 36 MIPS, faster than ARM610(when combined with additional Clock speed).


ARM 7500


The ARM 7500 is a RISC based single chip computer with memory and I/O control on chip to minimise  external components.The ARM 7500 can drive LCD panel/VDU.

It features power managements.The video controller can output up to a 120MHz pixel rate. 32 bit sound .

First four A/D convertors on chip for connection of joysticks

The processor core is basically an ARM710 with a smaller(4k) Cache.

The video Core is a VIDC2

The IO core is based upon the IOMD.



ARM 7500FE,Strong ARM/SA 110(v4),SA1100 Variant And more …

Now the latest 64 bit and quad core , new 12 core .. and many more the future , 128 bit , etc

No Data


Mac OS X Booting

Here , I am just pointing about how to boot MAC OS .

Little Talk about FIRMWARE , The firmware is not pare of MAC OS X, but it plays an important role in the operation of the machine.


Open Firmware :

Open firmware is a non proprietary, Platform (CPU and System) independent boot firmware, similar to a PC’s BIOS, Open Firmware is stored in ROM and is the first stored program to be executed upon power UP. Apple and SUN are two prominent computer system makers that use implementations of open firmware in their systems.

The Firmware is implemented in forth programming language, and stored in the ROM as Code byte code,Device drivers that are required during system Startup are also implemented similarly, such drivers usually exist in the expansion ROM of expansion cards that are needed before the operating system has loaded.


() Open firmware by pressing the key combination (cmd-opt-0-F)  just as you on a Macintosh.

  The cmd keys is the one with the apple logo .

   The opd key is the same as the alt key.

     You can see a welcome message and other messages and dropped into a prompt message like



0 >


you can continue booting the machine by typing (mac-boot) or shut it down by typing (shut-down).



If you want to access a MAC’s open firmware from another arbitrary computer,over the network, here is the command.


0 >  dev/packages/telnet


More details


Boot Loader


BootX(/system/library/coreservices/Bootx) is the default bootloader on MAC OS X.


BootX can load kernels from various filesystem : HFS+,HFS,UFS,ext2, and TFTP



More Boot loader Information you Can see the Source  page


Secure Computer: Mobile Malware

Secure Computer: Mobile Malware

Mobile Malware

Mobile Malware is typically targeted more toward handheld devices for which an SDK is available than those without one.SDK are more prevalent for smart phones and PDA .

How Malware Enter Into Mobile some common are :

Communication network can be used to deliver viruses and other forms of malware to handheld devices.

Malware May also received during synchronization with desktop computers and via tainted storage Media.

Internet Downloads  A user may download an infected file via an internet connection. (GAME,APPLICATION(freeware,shareware) ) , If they contain vulnerabilities that can be exploited by malware.

Messaging services malware attachments can be appended to electronic mail and sms messages delivered to a devices.

Bluetooth Communication  can be delivered (malware) by engaging the available connectivity services supported by a device left in discoverable mode.


with all of these Delivery methods , the user usually has to give consent for the malware to install and execute.Malware writers use social engineering techniques to get users to carry out the necessary actions.


What can Do Malware ?

Malware may potentially eavesdrop on user input or otherwise steal sensitive information, destroy stored information. or disable a device.

Malware may also accumulate wireless communications fees against a subscriber. (sending sms,initiating calls to chargeable toll numbers)




What is your Mobile ?(not number)


Your Mobile, What is Mobile ? 

Everyone know My mobile has a Bluetooth ,Media player, Camera ,wi-fi, GPS, and lalalalblblbl.. but you know what is SIM , What is Bluetooth ? What is wifi ? yeak Everyone know ,

but yet ..I have something more.


  • Cell phones and PDAs are somewhat Similar but difference is they support one or more radio interfaces to cellular telecommunications network. they also have different heritages.
  • Early cell phones appeared in the U.S in 1978 when AT&T conducted field trials authorized by the federal communications commission in Chicago and Newark, new jersey.
  • The device had the size and weight of a brick and were limited to voice communications.
  • Now you know your mobile .


About Bluetooth

  •          Bluetooth is a Personal Area Network(PAN). (2.4 GHz range over short distance) . for a new versions its more

Secure your Bluetooth bluetooth

  • Authentication : to verify the identity of communicating devices, only devices that properly authenticate can engage in communications.( some people can use without authentication setting that can harm both your mobile and your privacy ).
  • Confidentiality : To prevent information exposure from eavesdropping only authorized devices can view data.


Pairing is the process that allows two Bluetooth devices to associate themselves with one another by generating shred link authentication key of use in future communications.


How Cell Phone can Communicate ?

Cellular provide coverage based on dividing a large geographical service area into smaller areas of coverage called cells.

As a mobile phone moves from one cell to another, a cellular arrangement requires active connections to be monitored and effectively passed along between cells to maintain the connection.


Types of Network


Code Division Multiple Access(CDMA)

Global System For Mobile Communication(GSM)


Time Division Multiple Access(TDMA).

Integrated Digital Enhanced Network (iDEN).

Digital Advanced Mobile Phone Service (D-AMPS) .



What is SIM (Subscriber Identity Module)

In Mobile phones devices that interoperate with GSM cellular networks .Under The GSM framework , a Cellular phone is referred to as a mobile station and is partitioned into two distinct components . The Subscriber Identity Module(SIM) and the Mobile Equipment(ME).

Sim Photo    brando-unlocking-sim

As the name implies SIM is removable component that contains essential information about the subscriber including the subscriber's assigned international mobile subscriber (IMSI).The Me , the remaining Radio remaining radio handset portion, cannot function fully without one.


SIM ‘s main function entails authenticating the cell phones to the network to gain access to subscribed service to the user.

The SIM Also provide  storage for personal information, such as phone book entries and text messages, Services related information.


More about SIM soon Visit



EULA What’s this ?

You all Know computer viruses,Trojan horses,worms ,identity theft and phishing scams and you’re taking the necessary steps when using internet . however That item is the end user license agreement (EULA) covering the software you use.

These agreements themselves can’t harm you or your computer. In fact EULAs can do just the opposite they highlight things that can put you at risk. The harm comes from ignoring EULA’s and the subtle warnings they might contain.

        Ignoring EULAs can expose your computer to security risks.

        Ignoring EULAs can put your privacy at risk.

for instance A EULA might require you to allow the software publisher or third party to collect information about your internet activity in exchange for use of he software. This information could include not only the web sites you visit ,but also information you supply in online transactions .(name, address,credit card number etc)

Careful read and understating EULA covering software before you install it, you can make an informed decision.


What is EULA ?


A EULA is a legal contact between you and the software publisher.It spell out the terms and conditions for using the software.

it might say you can only install the software on one computer for your personal use.

However , it might also say that by using the software you agree to third party monitoring or allowing other user to access parts of your computer.

Eula Agreement Details

For more Free Download  EULA.pdf


Secure wireless network

  • Make your Wireless network invisible
  • Rename your wireless Network.
  • Encrypt Your Network Traffic.
  • Change your Administrator Password.(no birth date,car/bike number,mobile number, use character number and special character )
  • Use file Sharing with Caution.
  • Keep your Access point software Patched and Up to date
  • Check your internet Provider’s wireless Security options.

Wireless Technology Risks And How to Secure Wireless

First lets talks about some of the threats to home wireless networks.


Piggybacking  :

                               That’s common anyone with a wireless enabled computer within range or your wireless access point can hop a free ride on the internet over your wireless connection.

The typical indoor broadcast range of an access point is 150-300 feet. and outdoor range may extend as far 1000 feet.

so, if your neighborhood is closely settled ,or if you live in an apartment or hostel,’s number of problems.


_> You may exceed the number of connections permitted by your internet service provider.

_> User piggybacking on your internet connection might use up your bandwidth and slow your connection.

_> Abuse by malicious users , Illegal activity that will be traced to you. can lot more….

_> Direct Attack on your computer can install spyware and other malicious program or take control of your computer.


What is Wardriving


Warddriving is a specific kind of piggybacking .The broadcast range of a wireless access point can make internet connection possible outside your home, even as far away as your street. can be directly attack your computer as piggybacking also for illegal online activity .


Secure your Wireless connection .


Wolf - 150 x 150

